A Non-Profit Protecting the Future of Sustainable Fisheries in Monterey Bay
Fishermen’s Portal
Upcoming Meetings and Events
Find out when important meetings and opportunities are happening relevant to fisheries management and business.
Monthly Newsletter for the Fishing Community
Stay up to date on regulatory changes, important meetings, and other opportunities.
Groundfish Quota Leasing
We hold West Coast groundfish individual fishing quotas and lease them annually to fishermen at reduced rates.
Guide to Dock Sales
Information on how to get started with selling off-the-boat in Monterey and Santa Cruz counties.
MREP & Leadership
Through MREP scholarships and through our new Monterey Bay Fishermen’s Leadership Project, we are working to support fishermen’s engagement in management, science and policy.
Tools to Sell at Farmers Markets
Are you looking for additional local markets to sell your catch directly to the public? If so, check out these opportunities for selling at Farmers Markets!
Small Fisheries Succession Planning
A planning document to give California commercial fisheries participants the tools and strategies to facilitate the transfer of business assets from one generation to the next.
Additional Resources
Links to local, state, and federal resources, marine science, MPAs, business info, subscription links, and more.